Kids of Older Moms May Have a Leg Up on Their Peers
They tend to be taller, better educated, and societal changes over time may be behind trend, study suggests
They tend to be taller, better educated, and societal changes over time may be behind trend, study suggests
Scientists say certain genetic variations can add 2 years to your faceContinue Reading
Ability to stay engaged in conversation could help ward off dementia, study suggestsContinue Reading
As number of births started to decline century ago, females began living longer than males, researchers suggestContinue Reading
As number of births started to decline century ago, females began living longer than males, researchers suggestContinue Reading
Later age when first taking drugs, injecting drugs, using tranquilizers all implicated, study saysContinue Reading
When people stop working, they sit less, move more and get a better night’s sleep, study saysContinue Reading
Treatment-related conditions may affect their long-term well-being, study findsContinue Reading
Policies to boost health among poorer Americans may be paying off, researchers sayContinue Reading
Researchers are looking for clues among disease-free elderlyContinue Reading
Genetic marker showed the virus was linked to roughly five years of premature agingContinue Reading
Life spans increased between 1970 and 2010, but disabilities also rose along the way, researchers sayContinue Reading
Study suggests link between timing of first sex, first baby and DNAContinue Reading
Study suggests link between timing of first sex, first baby and DNAContinue Reading
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