(HealthDay News) — When it’s time to consider a nursing home for a family member or friend, you’ll want to choose one that’s a good fit personally and financially. The U.S. National Institute on Aging suggests: Prioritize what is most important: such as nursing care, meals, physical therapy, a religiousContinue Reading

THURSDAY, Dec. 28, 2017 (HealthDay News) — Physical activity is good for the body and the brain, but what about people with thinking and memory difficulties? A new recommendation from the American Academy of Neurology suggests that exercise is indeed helpful for people with mild cognitive impairment. The condition, inContinue Reading

MONDAY, Dec. 18, 2017 (HealthDay News) — Medical science has failed to prove that any treatment, therapy or brain exercise can help prevent dementias such as Alzheimer’s disease, an extensive new review has concluded. No medications, over-the-counter remedies or brain training programs have been proven in solid clinical trials toContinue Reading

MONDAY, Dec. 4, 2017 (HealthDay News) — Older adults commonly suffer damage to heart cells during various types of surgery — even non-heart-related surgeries — and it can significantly raise their risk of dying from the procedure, a new study finds. The research looked at a phenomenon called perioperative myocardialContinue Reading