THURSDAY, Aug. 6, 2020 (HealthDay News) — Contrary to recommendations set by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, many Americans are getting screened for cancer even when old age or poor health would likely render such screenings risky and pointless, new research finds. The task force notes that screening alwaysContinue Reading

THURSDAY, Aug. 6, 2020 (HealthDay News) — The coronavirus pandemic has fueled big increases in video visits between patients and doctors, but older Americans haven’t easily taken to the trend, a new study finds. More than one-third of those over 65 face difficulties seeing their doctor via telemedicine — especiallyContinue Reading

MONDAY, Aug. 3, 2020 (HealthDay News) — High blood pressure is often seen as a condition of old age, but a new study finds that it’s common among young Americans — especially young Black adults. The study, of 18- to 44-year-olds in the United States, found that high blood pressureContinue Reading

WEDNESDAY, July 22, 2020 (HealthDay News) — Some people in their 90s stay sharp whether their brain harbors amyloid protein plaques — a hallmark of Alzheimer’s disease — or not, but why? That’s the question researchers sought answers for among 100 people without dementia, average age 92, who were followedContinue Reading

MONDAY, July 20, 2020 (HealthDay News) — Ten risk factors may affect your risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, a new Chinese study suggests. Focusing on these factors could help doctors develop guidelines for preventing Alzheimer’s, researchers say. The risk factors include mental activity, obesity in late life, depression, diabetes andContinue Reading

WEDNESDAY, June 24, 2020 (HealthDay News) — Kids as young as age 8 can show signs of being at increased risk for diabetes in adulthood, a British study finds. Researchers analyzed blood samples collected from more than 4,000 participants at ages 8, 16, 18 and 25, looking for patterns specificContinue Reading

MONDAY, June 15, 2020 (HealthDay News) — About 1 in 5 people worldwide has a least one underlying health condition that puts them at increased risk of severe COVID-19 illness, researchers say. While the analysis of data from 188 countries suggests that 22% of the world’s population, or 1.7 billionContinue Reading

THURSDAY, June 11, 2020 (HealthDay News) — Social restrictions during the coronavirus pandemic can be especially hard for people who can’t visit loved ones with Alzheimer’s disease who are in nursing homes. Despite an easing of restrictions, the U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services says nursing homes shouldn’t allowContinue Reading