For Seniors, Poor Sleep May Mean Higher Stroke Risk, Study Suggests
Researchers found those who woke up the most were more likely to have hardening of brain arteriesContinue Reading
Researchers found those who woke up the most were more likely to have hardening of brain arteriesContinue Reading
Researchers found those who woke up the most were more likely to have hardening of brain arteriesContinue Reading
Delaying pregnancy means smaller families and implications for overall population, expert saysContinue Reading
U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends screening every 2 years for all after the age of 50Continue Reading
Facial drooping, sudden arm weakness or speech problems signal need for help, experts sayContinue Reading
For young and old, strong social ties as important as diet and exercise, researchers sayContinue Reading
New study shows screenings helped lower breast cancer deaths among those over 69Continue Reading
Research suggests longer estrogen exposure might have protective effectContinue Reading
Stick to recommended guidelines, experts sayContinue Reading
Those who waited until at least 25 fared better at 40, researchers sayContinue Reading
Recipients say they feel less lonely, study findsContinue Reading
Study finds that mood improves, tooContinue Reading
Chance of stroke, heart attack increased most in the first week after diagnosis of the painful rashContinue Reading
Study finds chronic disease less common among city seniorsContinue Reading
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