Study: Older Whooping Cough Vaccine More Effective
But it was phased out because of side effects; newer version works, study notesContinue Reading
But it was phased out because of side effects; newer version works, study notesContinue Reading
4 out of 5 adults have household bans, but millions of people still breathe secondhand smoke, CDC saysContinue Reading
Speak with an allergist firstContinue Reading
Breathing in ‘nanomaterials’ seems to cause inflammation, study contendsContinue Reading
Respiratory disease is the third-leading cause of death in U.S.Continue Reading
Study finds hay fever increases frequency of respiratory problems in COPD patientsContinue Reading
But preventing respiratory synctial virus comes with a hefty price tagContinue Reading
Small study suggests infants of women who take supplements have lower risk of wheezingContinue Reading
Protein used in common classroom item may cause reaction in kids with milk allergiesContinue Reading
Interaction between pollution and molecules produced by nature may lead to lung cancer, researchers sayContinue Reading
Breathe through your nose to warm the airContinue Reading
U.S.-born children more likely to have asthma, hay fever and eczema than foreign-born kids, study findsContinue Reading
Tips for keeping allergens away from their skin, out of air in your homeContinue Reading
But some cities continue to have dangerously high levels of ozone and sootContinue Reading
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