Blacks More Likely to Die in Motorcycle Crash Than Whites
Despite better helmet-wearing behavior, black riders at greater risk, data showsContinue Reading
Despite better helmet-wearing behavior, black riders at greater risk, data showsContinue Reading
Ultimate goal is to disable specific disease-causing genesContinue Reading
The bacterial infection can lead to organ failure, deathContinue Reading
12 babies in the last 13 years suffocated in them, FDA and CPSC say in public health advisoryContinue Reading
Blacks, Hispanics, uninsured seem less likely than whites to get immediate emergency room careContinue Reading
Those with non-small cell cancers found to have mutation that responds to drug treatmentContinue Reading
Devices that push fingertips left and right more effective than GPS for distracted drivers, researchers findContinue Reading
Finding could influence the use of statins to prevent heart disease, researchers suggestContinue Reading
Designed to help prevent certain birth defectsContinue Reading
From 1990 to 2006, emergency treatment for players aged 9 to 14 rose 163 percent, study findsContinue Reading
Included in big breakthroughs, experts say, are changes people make in their everyday livesContinue Reading
Higher costs have even greater impact than drinking prevention programs, analysis findsContinue Reading
Cell phone use sends distracted driving fatalities soaring, U.S. report findsContinue Reading
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