Study Examines Reasons Some Black Men Avoid Doctors
Physicians reportedly don’t provide practical advice on how to make needed lifestyle changesContinue Reading
Physicians reportedly don’t provide practical advice on how to make needed lifestyle changesContinue Reading
Reasons aren’t clear, but more aggressive care may be why, researchers sayContinue Reading
Lectures, brochures less likely to promote safety in the workplace, study findsContinue Reading
Cites provision that says Americans must buy insurance or face penaltyContinue Reading
Next step, experts say, is to find ways to repair damage done by the diseaseContinue Reading
Formal guidelines needed to help adults teach children the proper way to run, expert suggestsContinue Reading
Two or more head injuries can lead to problems with memory, sleep and headaches, study findsContinue Reading
Race, income, education affect degree of suffering, study findsContinue Reading
Use caution when handling wild game, officials urgeContinue Reading
Experts note Pentothal safer anesthesia than newer alternatives for someContinue Reading
Few facilities were rated as providing high-quality care for both old and young, study findsContinue Reading
Researcher hails finding as first confirmed hereditary linkContinue Reading
They’re more effective than CPR for sudden cardiac arrest, one expert saysContinue Reading
Vaccination rates found to be especially low among newest immigrantsContinue Reading
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