Swine Flu in Pregnancy Leads Some to ICU
Moms-to-be more likely to become critically ill than others, study findsContinue Reading
Prenatal Stress May Boost Baby's Asthma Risk
Strategies may be needed to promote well-being in pregnancy, researcher saysContinue Reading
Meth Exposure May Be Worse for Fetus Than Alcohol
Drug abuse treatment essential for pregnant women, researchers sayContinue Reading
Sexual Desire, Satisfaction Don't Diminish During Pregnancy
Study found first, second trimesters don’t mean lowered interest for most womenContinue Reading
Risks of Kids' Surgeries May Not Stick With Parents
Despite giving ‘informed consent,’ many can’t recall details, study findsContinue Reading
'Gaming' Sends Boys' Test Scores Sliding
Study finds they spend less time on academics with video-game systems at homeContinue Reading
Siblings of Kids With Autism May Be Prone to Hyperactivity
But it shouldn’t affect mental health overall, study findsContinue Reading
Inhalant Abuse a Deadly Middle-School Concern
‘Huffing’ more common than smoking pot, snorting cocaine among 12-year-olds, study findsContinue Reading
Entire Family Genome Sequenced for First Time
Children receive 30 mutations from each parent, researchers findContinue Reading
For Tough Head Lice, Pill Tops Lotion
Ivermectin may offer alternative for hard-to-treat infestations, study showsContinue Reading