U.S. Reports Continuing Drop in Birth Rate
Data show broad-based decline among all races, nearly all ages and in all statesContinue Reading
Data show broad-based decline among all races, nearly all ages and in all statesContinue Reading
Suggestions to help keep them safeContinue Reading
Spanish study found nicotine levels in infants’ hair 3 times higher than those who slept elsewhereContinue Reading
It’s the first time the agency has ever seriously looked at the issue, experts sayContinue Reading
Link applies to mammals, offering more support for the practice in humans, researchers sayContinue Reading
More study needed on home cures such as fennel, herbal tea, sugar water, review findsContinue Reading
Sites like Facebook build communities, but bullying, ‘sexting’ can occur too, pediatrics group saysContinue Reading
If they first lit up at 12, they were 26 times more likely to try pot by 17Continue Reading
Consider the ground rules before your college student takes offContinue Reading
Research looked at stress hormone levels in saliva from 3 year oldsContinue Reading
Tots who played the least seemed to benefit most from parent-guided autism program, study foundContinue Reading
Moms’ daily consumption in first trimester associated with tripled risk, study findsContinue Reading
Many parents have stories of autistic children wandering off, running away unexpectedlyContinue Reading
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