Nerve Zap Eased Rheumatoid Arthritis in Small Study
Treatment worked some for patients who weren’t responding to drugsContinue Reading
Treatment worked some for patients who weren’t responding to drugsContinue Reading
Doctors should explore alternatives for pain relief, researcher saysContinue Reading
In states with legal pot, pain prescriptions saw the greatest drop, study foundContinue Reading
In states with legal pot, pain prescriptions saw the greatest drop, study foundContinue Reading
Signs you might be prone to itContinue Reading
Study found monitoring program in Maine was only used by 56 percent of pharmacistsContinue Reading
Finding supports naloxone prescriptions for patients taking opioids for chronic painContinue Reading
Study of disabled workers finds no change in painkiller use, overdosesContinue Reading
Study finding based on review of workers’ compensation claimsContinue Reading
Study finding based on review of workers’ compensation claimsContinue Reading
Two new U.S. studies shed light on opioid epidemicContinue Reading
Study findings highlight growing painkiller addiction epidemicContinue Reading
But more measures needed to combat addiction to these pain medications, expert saysContinue Reading
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