Common Painkillers Don’t Ease Back Pain, Study Finds
Patients who took NSAIDs were also 2.5 times more likely to suffer gastrointestinal side effectsContinue Reading
Forward-Thinking Tips for Back Pain
Certain behaviors can reduce your risk, doctor saysContinue Reading
U.S. Report Cites the Good and Bad on Marijuana
Pot shown to help chronic pain, chemo-related nausea and muscle spasms in multiple sclerosis, but researchers cite risks, tooContinue Reading
Lots of Red Meat May Be Tied to Gut Disorder in Men
Diverticulitis involves tears or blockages in colon and can be very painfulContinue Reading
Joints Achy? Don’t Blame Mother Nature
Study disputes weather’s role in knee and back painContinue Reading
Cluster Headaches Can Defy Diagnosis But Respond to Treatment
Pain is so intense it often wakes people from their sleep, neurologist saysContinue Reading
High Pain Tolerance Tied to ‘Silent’ Heart Attack Risk
Unusual symptoms include upper back or jaw pain, shortness of breath and nausea, cardiologist saysContinue Reading
High Pain Tolerance Tied to ‘Silent’ Heart Attack Risk
Unusual symptoms include upper back or jaw pain, shortness of breath and nausea, cardiologist saysContinue Reading
What You Need to Know When Prescribed an Opioid Painkiller
Tell your doctor if you or anyone in your family has a substance abuse problemContinue Reading
How to Ease the Pain of Infant Vaccinations
Three-pronged approach includes anesthetic cream, researchers sayContinue Reading
Teething Tips From Dental Specialists
Cool, but not frozen, items may ease your baby’s discomfortContinue Reading
Alzheimer’s Patients’ Use of Painkilling Patches Cause for Concern
Researchers worried about long-term use together with other medications that cause drowsinessContinue Reading