One Man's Harrowing Battle With Hepatitis C
Ted Adamson of Riverside, Calif., nearly lost his liver and life to the diseaseContinue Reading
Ted Adamson of Riverside, Calif., nearly lost his liver and life to the diseaseContinue Reading
Though cure rates are good, many Baby Boomers don’t even suspect they have the liver diseaseContinue Reading
Study finds many in need of new organs have liver cancerContinue Reading
Large, decade-long study also found some benefit from other NSAIDsContinue Reading
Generation has highest rate of infection, likely contracted decades agoContinue Reading
Study compared black, white and Hispanic women with both virusesContinue Reading
Ability to smile, chew, speak, smell depends on whether nerves can be reconnected, surgeons sayContinue Reading
Incidence halved by treatment, study findsContinue Reading
Study found no survival differences, but blood cells may be associated with more chronic side effectsContinue Reading
Benefits of lifestyle changes go beyond weight loss for diabetes patients, researcher saysContinue Reading
Early detection of this serious skin cancer is criticalContinue Reading
Canadian study found general population more likely to agree with idea than those affected by diseaseContinue Reading
Small study suggests potential new option one day in treatment of the blood diseaseContinue Reading
Third World nations would benefit from the paper-based system, researchers sayContinue Reading
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