MONDAY, Sept. 9, 2024 (HealthDay News) — Losing weight can help a person with obesity — especially those with diabetes — fend off serious infections, new data shows. It’s an important finding, since “up to one in three hospitalizations in people with diabetes are for infections and people with diabetesContinue Reading

FRIDAY, Sept. 6, 2024 (HealthDay News) — PFAS “forever chemicals” could cause pregnant women to experience long-term weight gain, increasing their risk of obesity in middle age, a new study warns. Women with higher levels of PFAS in their blood during early pregnancy weighed more at the age of 50Continue Reading

MONDAY, Aug. 19, 2024 (HealthDay News) — “Stealth” foods are sneaking saturated fat and added sugars into even the strictest diets, a new study shows. Most saturated fats and added sugars come from well-known sources – soft drinks, cheese, pizza, ice cream, cakes and pies. But even supposedly healthy foodsContinue Reading