Calories, Not Protein or Carbs, Are Key to Weight Loss: Study
Diabetics gained similar benefits from low-fat diet emphasizing either proteins or carbohydratesContinue Reading
Diabetics gained similar benefits from low-fat diet emphasizing either proteins or carbohydratesContinue Reading
Study found beverages account for half of those caloriesContinue Reading
Identify overweight kids, encourage more activity, promote good sleep habits, experts sayContinue Reading
They seem to be more likely to eat more rich foods, researchers reportContinue Reading
Study finds more exercise, less fast food could help curb obesity epidemicContinue Reading
Agency cites big increase in drugs, foods produced abroadContinue Reading
Peanuts, milk and shellfish most common allergens, study foundContinue Reading
Experts say small changes in barbecue habits can counter cancer riskContinue Reading
Nutritionally, these summer staples come up empty, expert saysContinue Reading
Only one in 10 kids meets federal goals for fitness, study revealsContinue Reading
The real issue, experts say, is making kids more knowledgeable about healthy choicesContinue Reading
Seniors who preferred the oil had 41% drop in the attacks vs. those who rarely ate itContinue Reading
Depressed kids also have a yen for carbs, study findsContinue Reading
Suggestions for avoiding the proteinContinue Reading
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