TUESDAY, June 14, 2022 (HealthDay News) — People who have never outgrown an aversion to broccoli, or an addiction to potato chips, can place part of the blame on their genes, preliminary research suggests. The study, of over 6,200 adults, turned up correlations between certain taste-related genes and people’s preferencesContinue Reading

WEDNESDAY, May 25, 2022 (HealthDay News) — Beginning June 4, Abbott Nutrition will restart producing baby formula at a shuttered factory that’s been central to the ongoing shortage of infant formula in the United States, the company announced on Tuesday. The factory in Sturgis, Mich., has been closed since FebruaryContinue Reading

MONDAY, May 23, 2022 (HealthDay News) — A 35-ton shipment of hypoallergenic baby formula from Switzerland arrived in the United States on Sunday, the first delivery in what the Biden administration is calling “Operation Fly Formula” to deal with a nationwide shortage. The 132 pallets of formula arrived in IndianapolisContinue Reading

THURSDAY, May 19, 2022 (HealthDay News) — Faced with mounting pressure to help desperate parents, President Joe Biden on Wednesday invoked the power of the wartime Defense Production Act to get more of the precious product into American homes. Under the new powers, the federal government can use commercial aircraftContinue Reading