Cured Meat Products Linked to Lung Disease Flare-Ups
Nitrates in bacon, sausage, lunch meats might worsen airway disease symptoms, researchers sayContinue Reading
Nitrates in bacon, sausage, lunch meats might worsen airway disease symptoms, researchers sayContinue Reading
Better prevention, treatment of deficiency needed for nursing home patients, researchers sayContinue Reading
Yet consuming lots of dairy or calcium wasn’t associated with risk reduction, study saysContinue Reading
Still too soon to warn people off supplements, expert stressesContinue Reading
Neurotoxins linked to brain diseases identified in fin samples, study saysContinue Reading
Nurses’ Health Study has provided decades of data on women’s healthContinue Reading
Being ‘sun-smart’ is still the best prevention, one expert saysContinue Reading
Study found those who ate the most had 39% greater chance of trouble, though aspirin use helpedContinue Reading
Though consumption has fallen, it’s far above recommended levelsContinue Reading
Too much or too little of the mineral can hurt your health, evidence review findsContinue Reading
Calories can be hard to figure when menu items are meant to serve more than one, researchers sayContinue Reading
Small, early trial suggests supplement can relieve pain, but safety questions remainContinue Reading
Those who consumed the most did better on tests of mental functioning, study saysContinue Reading
Some consumption guidelines to help parentsContinue Reading
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