THURSDAY, Aug. 22, 2024 (HealthDay News) — High levels of fluoride in drinking water may dim the intelligence of children, a new U.S. government report shows. Based on an analysis of published research, the potentially controversial report marks the first time a federal agency has determined there is a linkContinue Reading

THURSDAY, Aug. 15, 2024 (HealthDay News) — Some comatose patients with severe brain injury might be paying closer attention to their surroundings than previously thought, a new study says. About 1 in 4 patients respond to instructions covertly, with their brains showing activity even though their bodies aren’t moving, researchersContinue Reading

WEDNESDAY, Aug. 14, 2024 (HealthDay News) — Natural grass playing fields pose a greater concussion risk for young football players than artificial turf, a new study shows. Athletes who sustained a concussion on grass reported more than 10 symptoms, on average, compared with about six for those injured on artificialContinue Reading

MONDAY, Aug. 12, 2024 (HealthDay News) — Drinking can increase a senior’s risk of a brain bleed following a fall, even if they only occasionally imbibe, a new study finds. In fact, the risk of a brain bleed increases with a senior’s level of drinking, researchers found. Occasional or weeklyContinue Reading

FRIDAY, Aug. 9, 2024 (HealthDay News) — A wearable brain scanner could improve research into Parkinson’s disease, dementia and other debilitating disorders, new research shows. The brain scanner — called the Ambulatory Motion-enabling PET (AMPET) — fits on a person’s head much like a construction worker’s hard hat, the researchersContinue Reading