Onfi Approved to Treat Severe Seizures
When combined with other anti-seizure medicationContinue Reading
When combined with other anti-seizure medicationContinue Reading
In humans, the brain seems to react to other people’s sensations, researchers sayContinue Reading
Almost half of patients are seizure-free 10 years later, study findsContinue Reading
Vets with psychogenic non-epileptic seizures may go 5 years without diagnosis, researchers sayContinue Reading
They seem to be more likely to eat more rich foods, researchers reportContinue Reading
Misuse of Valium, Ativan and other benzodiazepines is a growing problem, report findsContinue Reading
The sound level may be related to the difficulty of the procedure, researchers sayContinue Reading
People with body dysmorphic disorder process visual information abnormally, study findsContinue Reading
Echolocation uses ‘visual’ part of brain to process sound, navigate surroundings, study findsContinue Reading
‘Sound’ training may help them hear speech in noisy settings, improve recall, research suggestsContinue Reading
Their seizures also tend to start earlier in childhood, research suggestsContinue Reading
Those affected seem to place less importance on the sense in their daily lives, findings showContinue Reading
Brain doesn’t make connection between seeing and touching right away, small study findsContinue Reading
Vibrations in the ear continue briefly after a sound has ended, researchers sayContinue Reading
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