Study: Undiagnosed Sleep Disorders Common With Multiple Sclerosis
Lack of shuteye could affect disease progression, researchers cautionContinue Reading
Lack of shuteye could affect disease progression, researchers cautionContinue Reading
Lack of shuteye could affect disease progression, researchers cautionContinue Reading
Brain scans show gray matter damage associated with advanced form of diseaseContinue Reading
Researchers find a link but say it’s too soon to recommend reducing sodium intakeContinue Reading
Research suggests regular use of Wii accessory might rewire the brainContinue Reading
Constant immune system suppression may be the reason why, researchers sayContinue Reading
Crippled rodents walked again, but it’s uncertain if same approach will help peopleContinue Reading
Finding applies only to pot in pill or spray form, neurologists sayContinue Reading
Patients with relapsing-remitting form of the disease showed fewer brain lesions with ofatumumabContinue Reading
Unusual clotting disorder developed in several people taking Rebif
Continue Reading
Researchers report drug mobilizes a kind of cell easily infected by a virus that attacks the brainContinue Reading
Researchers also found some evidence to support use of other alternative therapiesContinue Reading
Early study showed reduced brain shrinkage among multiple sclerosis patients given generic statinContinue Reading
Early studies hint that certain hormones might be tied to inflammation, increased odds for multiple sclerosisContinue Reading
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