MONDAY, March 17, 2025 (HealthDay News) — The blues and the jitters are very common among people battling chronic pain, a new evidence review says. About 40% of adults with chronic pain have symptoms of depression or anxiety, researchers report in JAMA Network Open. Women, younger adults and people sufferingContinue Reading

FRIDAY, March 7, 2024 (HealthDay News) — Music therapy can help lift the spirits and ease depression in people with dementia, a new evidence review has found. Findings suggest that music-based therapy probably improves depressive symptoms and might even improve behavioral issues by the end of treatment, researchers reported. “ThisContinue Reading

THURSDAY, March 6, 2025 (HealthDay News) — Hot flashes, night sweats and other symptoms of a difficult menopause could be early warning flags for dementia, a new study suggests. Women who exhibit more menopause symptoms are more likely to develop early signs of dementia like decreased mental function and mildContinue Reading