Too Much Sitting Tied to Higher Risk of Colon Polyps in Men
‘Active couch potatoes’ who do get some exercise just as vulnerable, study suggestsContinue Reading
‘Active couch potatoes’ who do get some exercise just as vulnerable, study suggestsContinue Reading
Hypospadias occurs in about five of every 1,000 baby boysContinue Reading
Researchers used Utah population data spanning generationsContinue Reading
Report supports notion of adopting ‘wait and see’ approach after PSA test, experts sayContinue Reading
Study found males decreased their speed when walking beside a romantic partner
Pinpointing high-risk patients could improve treatment, save health care dollars, researchers sayContinue Reading
But these husky-toned males are often viewed as flings, not long-term matesContinue Reading
Study found 40 percent of men aged 75 and older were screened, despite expert consensus against itContinue Reading
Wisconsin researchers found link between economy and procedure rates, but another expert says it’s not proof
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Meanwhile, other research saw no fertility effects from caffeine, alcoholContinue Reading
Researchers followed Medicare recipients for 3 yearsContinue Reading
Methods that ease the problem in women found ineffective for men receiving hormone treatmentContinue Reading
But study didn’t explain how hormone levels might contribute to diseaseContinue Reading
Shorter-course treatment as effective for those with intermediate-risk disease, oncologist saysContinue Reading
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