FRIDAY, March 1, 2024 (HealthDay News) — Vaping and skipped meals appear to be the main causes of frequent headaches among teens, a new study says. Teens who ate breakfast and dinner with their family had a lower risk of frequent headaches than those who regularly missed meals, researchers reportContinue Reading

TUESDAY, Feb. 27, 2024 (HealthDay News) — Weather disasters driven by climate change are stressing out U.S. teenagers, a new study warns. Teens with the most firsthand experience of events like hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, droughts and wildfires were more likely to show signs of mental distress than peers who hadn’tContinue Reading

FRIDAY, Feb. 23, 2024 (HealthDay News) — Amid an outbreak of measles at a Florida elementary school, the state’s surgeon general has defied federal health guidance and told parents it’s up to them whether they want to keep their unvaccinated child home to avoid infection. In a letter to parentsContinue Reading

MONDAY, Feb. 19, 2024 (HealthDay News) — A shift in parenting early in a child’s development might help curb the symptoms of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), new research suggests. When a preschooler exhibits an “excitable or exuberant” temperament, dialing down a “controlling” style of parenting in favor of what’s knownContinue Reading