THURSDAY, May 9, 2024 (HealthDay News) — Every cold and flu season, folks are flooded with ads for zinc lozenges, sprays and syrups that promise to shorten their sniffles. Zinc might indeed reduce the duration of common cold symptoms by about two days, a new evidence review says. However, theContinue Reading

MONDAY, April 29, 2024 (HealthDay News) — People worry about contracting Lyme disease from ticks, but they should be concerned for their furry friends as well, veterinarians say. Dogs throughout the United States are increasingly vulnerable to the tick-borne illness, say experts from the Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine atContinue Reading

MONDAY, April 15, 2024 (HealthDay News) — Doctors sometimes prescribe antibiotics to help treat a cough, but a new study shows the drugs won’t help reduce the severity or duration of coughing — even if a bacterial infection is the culprit. Lower respiratory tract infections that cause coughing have theContinue Reading