TUESDAY, March 7, 2023 (HealthDay News) — New research offers hope to elite athletes who have genetic heart conditions but still want to play sports. In the new study, after a follow-up of seven years, researchers found that 95% of athletes with a diagnosed and treated genetic heart disease hadContinue Reading

TUESDAY, March 7, 2023 (HealthDay News) — A stick-on sensor may help keep people with heart failure out of the hospital, new research suggests. Investigators found that when doctors had actionable information about patients’ conditions, delivered remotely through this noninvasive device, it prompted them to adjust medications earlier and preventContinue Reading

TUESDAY, March 7, 2023 (HealthDay News) — Flu kills more than 500,000 people globally each year and leads to heart problems for many others. Publicizing those potential cardiac ills may spur folks to get their annual flu vaccine, researchers say. Danish researchers who studied vaccination messaging methods said the twoContinue Reading

FRIDAY, March 3, 2023 (American Heart Association News) — Hispanic people born in the United States may be at higher risk for multiple chronic diseases than their peers born in other countries, new research suggests. Compared to first-generation Hispanic people born elsewhere, those born in the U.S. showed an unfavorableContinue Reading

THURSDAY, March 2, 2023 (HealthDay News) — Black women who are exposed to certain forms of racism may be more likely to develop heart disease, researchers say. Specifically, Black women who said they faced discrimination in employment, housing and in their interactions with the police were 26% more likely toContinue Reading

WEDNESDAY, March 1, 2023 (American Heart Association News) — Members of Black churches in New Orleans who believe religion plays an important role in their health may be more likely to eat fruits and vegetables, be physically active and have confidence asking questions of health care providers than their peersContinue Reading