TUESDAY, May 23, 2023 (HealthDay News) — When it comes to predicting heart trouble down the road, the arteries may say a lot more than the genes do, according to a new study. Researchers found that CT scans of the heart arteries were better than genetics at predicting middle-aged adults’Continue Reading

TUESDAY, May 23, 2023 (American Heart Association News) — These days, Saroja Voruganti, an associate professor of nutrition at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, prefers a balanced diet that emphasizes “whole” foods and steers clear of processed ones. That wasn’t always the case. “My dietary patterns wereContinue Reading

MONDAY, May 22, 2023 (HealthDay News) — Women who’ve had certain pregnancy complications have significantly higher odds for a stroke than women with uncomplicated pregnancies, new research shows. Moreover, these strokes may occur at a relatively early age, according to investigators at the Smidt Heart Institute at Cedars-Sinai Medical CenterContinue Reading