Eating Berries Might Help Preserve Your Memory
Blueberries, strawberries found to prevent mental decline in study of older womenContinue Reading
Blueberries, strawberries found to prevent mental decline in study of older womenContinue Reading
International study finds that deterrent images, messages help those who say they matterContinue Reading
Rise in assault rates traced back to contaminated city airContinue Reading
Patients with both tinnitus and insomnia have more emotional distress, researchers sayContinue Reading
Age-related DNA changes seen early in those exposed to abusive behavior, study findsContinue Reading
Hospital care, treatment can top $50,000 for venomous snake encounterContinue Reading
Patients needing new hips, knees should be told to quit, doctors sayContinue Reading
Online study suggests owners prefer breeds that mimic their personal traitsContinue Reading
In study, depressed patients were more apt to develop peripheral artery diseaseContinue Reading
Biologics costlier but don’t clear much more surface area of skin than methotrexateContinue Reading
Anonymous online study may have allowed more to admit use than prior studies, experts sayContinue Reading
Certain blood pressure-lowering drugs most effective treatment, reports reviewContinue Reading
Use of a particular procedure may be driving the trendContinue Reading
Programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous seem to work as well in teens as in adults, study findsContinue Reading
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