FRIDAY, Feb. 24, 2023 (HealthDay News) — It may seem counterintuitive, but a new study review suggests that consuming too little salt could be harmful to heart failure patients. Doctors currently recommend a low-sodium diet to lower blood pressure and avoid fluid buildup and swelling, which can be common symptomsContinue Reading

TUESDAY, Feb. 21, 2023 (HealthDay News) — Another brand of baby formula is a facing a recall. Formula manufacturer Reckitt recalled 145,000 cans of Enfamil ProSobee formula on Monday because of possible cross-contamination with Cronobacter sakazakii bacteria. The safety issue “was linked to a material from a third party,” theContinue Reading

FRIDAY, Feb. 10, 2023 (HealthDay News) – New research links cannabis use in the first trimester of pregnancy to poor outcomes, closely related to functioning of the placenta. This is important information given that more U.S. states are legalizing marijuana for recreational use, researchers said. The study findings were presentedContinue Reading