Botox Offers Little Relief for Migraine, Study Finds
Evidence review sees only modest benefit for chronic headachesContinue Reading
Evidence review sees only modest benefit for chronic headachesContinue Reading
Risk was especially elevated for atrial fibrillationContinue Reading
Too few sufferers use preventive medications, doctors sayContinue Reading
Cold-induced ‘brain freeze’ seems linked to expansion of a key brain artery, small study findsContinue Reading
Annual report found fewer deaths but more cases of permanent brain damageContinue Reading
One-quarter develop issues with hoarseness, sore throats, study findsContinue Reading
Study of head injury patients helps identify regions involved in thinking abilitiesContinue Reading
Researchers say findings could shed light on how body parasites spread human diseaseContinue Reading
If confirmed with further research, new technique could offer alternative to drilling into skullContinue Reading
In children with rare gene mutation, post-tonsillectomy death seemed to be due to reaction to pain medicineContinue Reading
Small study finds feeling anxious heightens the ability to detect potentially threatening odorsContinue Reading
Many patients could safely avoid X-rays, MRIs, heart stress tests and other common procedures, docs sayContinue Reading
Patients suffer from throat, stomach injuriesContinue Reading
Evidence supports link between fluctuations in female hormones and painful headachesContinue Reading
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