Having Both Migraines, Depression May Mean Smaller Brain
But it’s unclear what the finding might mean for patientsContinue Reading
But it’s unclear what the finding might mean for patientsContinue Reading
Better slumber improved daytime energy and behavior, but not memory, learning, researchers sayContinue Reading
People with left-brain dominance tend to listen with right ear, and vice-versa, study findsContinue Reading
20 percent of those with two or more brain traumas had thoughts of killing themselvesContinue Reading
Chatter, music and equipment sounds reduced surgeons’ speech comprehension in small studyContinue Reading
Even not-so-loud sounds seemed to raise people’s heart rate in small studyContinue Reading
Medicines containing valproate linked to lower IQs in children, agency saysContinue Reading
Knowing dangers of concussion not enough to keep many teens on sidelines, survey findsContinue Reading
Danish study did not prove a cause-and-effect link, howeverContinue Reading
Link observed in laboratory cells, mice and humansContinue Reading
Still, better care recommended for very early babies, researchers sayContinue Reading
Study finds many have side effects so bothersome that sufferers stop taking themContinue Reading
Identifying which factors lead to longer recoveries may improve treatmentContinue Reading
Including gums that bleed easilyContinue Reading
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