Many Migraine Sufferers Given Narcotic Painkillers, Barbiturates
These are a poor choice, especially for children, doctors sayContinue Reading
These are a poor choice, especially for children, doctors sayContinue Reading
Many women have fewer headaches while expecting, experts sayContinue Reading
Income, education, noise exposure also play role in odds people will lose their hearing, researchers sayContinue Reading
Noises such as running streams ease stress, boost office productivity, study foundContinue Reading
Understanding how head trauma affects driving behavior could help improve traffic safety, study saysContinue Reading
Understanding how head trauma affects driving behavior could help improve traffic safety, study saysContinue Reading
Several weeks of academic accommodations might be needed, experts say
Continue Reading
Researchers search for causes of feline hyperthyroidismContinue Reading
Researchers search for causes of feline hyperthyroidismContinue Reading
The louder the noise, the more severe the jerking motions, researchers reportContinue Reading
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