New Gene ID'd in Brittle Bone Disease
Discovery may shed light on origin of osteogenesis imperfecta, researchers sayContinue Reading
Discovery may shed light on origin of osteogenesis imperfecta, researchers sayContinue Reading
The process turns off genes that keep tumors from forming, research showsContinue Reading
Gene mutation in mice causes problems similar to MS in humans, findings showContinue Reading
Examination of Y chromosome lineage reveals farming influenceContinue Reading
The greater the consumption, the less shrinkage of chromosome component, research showsContinue Reading
Researchers aim to ‘chaperone’ proteins involved in diseases like Parkinson’sContinue Reading
Discovery could lead to new type 2 treatments, researchers sayContinue Reading
Findings suggest humans are cause for antibiotic resistance in animalsContinue Reading
Study found those who had migraines more likely to suffer depressionContinue Reading
Countering common belief, study shows rapid genetic change in both humans and chimpanzeesContinue Reading
Genetic testing, biomarkers finally giving clues to elusive disease, experts reportContinue Reading
Carrying two ‘good’ copies slows age-linked mental decline by half, study foundContinue Reading
Variant could be used to guide treatment, researchers suggestContinue Reading
Mounting evidence opens possibility of future drug treatment, researchers sayContinue Reading
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