Women's Chromosomes May Affect Blood Pressure
The effect might be strongest after menopause, mouse study suggestsContinue Reading
The effect might be strongest after menopause, mouse study suggestsContinue Reading
Study finds chromosomal microarray analysis detects more abnormalitiesContinue Reading
In two studies, scientists quickly scanned individuals’ DNA to get at causes of diseaseContinue Reading
Researcher’s personal genome used to study neurological disorderContinue Reading
Children receive 30 mutations from each parent, researchers findContinue Reading
Study found if parent had brain attack by 65, chances of same quadrupled for their childrenContinue Reading
Doctors should do more to explain test results, researchers findContinue Reading
It appears to disconnect the link between stress and death risk, researchers sayContinue Reading
Researchers identify 160 different species of bacteriaContinue Reading
DNA test may be able to tell which diet would work best for you, study suggestsContinue Reading
Finding part of ongoing research to determine how they affect risk in peopleContinue Reading
Gene suggests that domestication began 12,000 years ago, researchers sayContinue Reading
Scientists say they affect appearance of first one, number of teeth in first yearContinue Reading
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