Matching Tumor Types to Drugs Boosts Lung Cancer Outcomes
First such trial finds better control of disease when chemo is targeted to specific ‘molecular signatures’Continue Reading
First such trial finds better control of disease when chemo is targeted to specific ‘molecular signatures’Continue Reading
Finding may help reveal what predisposes someone to the disorder, researcher saysContinue Reading
Finding could lead to better treatment for hair loss conditions, experts sayContinue Reading
Findings could lead to development of more targeted treatments, researcher saysContinue Reading
People with variant have almost double the risk of developing dementia, study findsContinue Reading
Patients who have gene variant are 10 times more likely to die without warning, study findsContinue Reading
‘Good’ cholesterol levels linked to age-related macular degeneration, studies showContinue Reading
Finding could lead to treatment for heart failure, aortic aneurysm, researchers sayContinue Reading
Those with high levels of Epstein-Barr antibodies double their chances if they smoke, study foundContinue Reading
Research in fruit fly gives insight into patterns, coloring for species generallyContinue Reading
And over-the-counter drug might reverse genetic process that leads to disease, study findsContinue Reading
Researchers find some kidney donors have variant that increases the odds of an unsuccessful transplantContinue Reading
Younger women with diagnosis should consider genetic testing, experts sayContinue Reading
Researcher describes finding as a theory that still needs testingContinue Reading
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