WEDNESDAY, July 27, 2022 (HealthDay News) — Researchers have long suspected that humans evolved to tolerate dairy products in order to reap their health benefits. Now a new study refutes that idea. Around one-third of the world’s population possesses a gut enzyme that allows them to digest lactose, a sugarContinue Reading

WEDNESDAY, July 27, 2022 (HealthDay News) — Lots of older folks are turning to alternative medicine to help them with the pains of aging – but they don’t necessarily think that’s any of their doctor’s business. About 40% of older adults use at least one alternative medicine practice to helpContinue Reading

THURSDAY, July 21, 2022 (HealthDay News) — Harried, overworked anesthesiologists could be raising hospital patients’ risk of death and complications, a new study reports. It’s not uncommon to have one anesthesiologist directing the anesthesia care for multiple surgeries at the same time, overseeing the work of lower-ranking anesthesia clinicians assignedContinue Reading