MONDAY, June 24, 2019 (HealthDay News) — Green tea is a popular health trend, with many people sipping in hopes of deriving benefits from the brew. There’s nothing wrong with that, dietitians say — green tea is a healthy drink loaded with antioxidants. But the jury’s still out on manyContinue Reading

WEDNESDAY, June 12, 2019 (HealthDay News) — The more we learn about fiber, the more important the recommendation to get enough of it becomes. Key Health Benefits of Fiber Lowering cholesterol Lowering blood sugar Easing elimination Improving heart health Possibly reducing colon cancer risk Helping with weight control “Fiber” isContinue Reading

(HealthDay News) — Summer is prime time for food poisoning, says the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. As temperatures rise, foodborne germs flourish. To have a safe and enjoyable grilling season, the CDC recommends: Separate raw meat and poultry from other groceries. Chill meat, poultry and seafood untilContinue Reading

TUESDAY, June 4, 2019 (HealthDay News) — Sudden withdrawal from coffee and cigarettes can trigger symptoms that mimic serious disease, leading to unnecessary tests in hospital intensive care units, a new review concludes. “Nicotine and caffeine are some of the most commonly used and highly addictive substances in modern society,Continue Reading

FRIDAY, May 17, 2019 (HealthDay News) — Java junkies can sniff out even tiny amounts of coffee, and the more they drink, the better they can smell it, British researchers say. It’s a discovery with powerful implications for treating people addicted to substances with a distinct smell. “The higher theContinue Reading

SUNDAY, April 28, 2019 (HealthDay News) — Parents and doctors often overlook how overweight kids are, which could leave youngsters at increased risk for health problems linked to excess weight, British researchers say. They reviewed 87 studies that included nearly 25,000 children, age 19 and younger, and their parents. TheContinue Reading