City Cycling Seems to Have More Upsides Than Down
Parking the car, hopping on a bike helps health and environment, study findsContinue Reading
Parking the car, hopping on a bike helps health and environment, study findsContinue Reading
Increased output in lower leg muscles could make difference in elite performers, researcher saysContinue Reading
But researchers stress it’s not clear if activity directly lowers riskContinue Reading
Leaving car at home, walking to station adds to daily exercise, researchers noteContinue Reading
Model works as well as individual counseling, researchers sayContinue Reading
If you’re already heavy, even five minutes a day brings results, study findsContinue Reading
Moderate-intensity aerobics safe, beneficial in those with stable disease, experts sayContinue Reading
Condition may interfere with physical activity, researchers sayContinue Reading
People with equal measurements on right, left sides tend to be smarter, analysis suggestsContinue Reading
Even amateurs need to prepare before playing to avoid injury, experts sayContinue Reading
Hamster research indicates workouts stimulate same brain reward pathways as boozeContinue Reading
Too much exercise, too little nutrition can lead to osteoporosis, fertility issues, experts warnContinue Reading
A year later, only 37 percent were doing cardio exercises 3 times a week, study findsContinue Reading
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