Structured Diet, Exercise Plans Seem to Shed Pounds
Two studies found those on regimens lost more weight than those who were not, but critics call results ‘best-case scenario’Continue Reading
Two studies found those on regimens lost more weight than those who were not, but critics call results ‘best-case scenario’Continue Reading
Kids urged to get some exercise every day by walking or biking to schoolContinue Reading
Finding may explain why heat waves hit females harder, researchers sayContinue Reading
Higher type 2 disease rates in U.S. versus U.K. may be due to greater levels of mid-section fatContinue Reading
Intervention combining religion and fitness had good results among older black womenContinue Reading
In abdomen, cells expand in size, but in lower body, number of cells increases, scientists findContinue Reading
U.S. adults walk about half the distance of Swiss, Australians, study findsContinue Reading
However, expert says it’s not a major problemContinue Reading
Study found cash incentive drove lifestyle changes for IBM employeesContinue Reading
Those who live healthy lifestyle more likely to offer beneficial advice, study findsContinue Reading
Programs to get adults up and moving may have business as well as personal rewardsContinue Reading
Intensive lifestyle change program yielded better results than support groupContinue Reading
Employees who smoke, don’t exercise or eat right take more time off, are less productive, study findsContinue Reading
Those who participate say they feel better mentally and physically, researchers findContinue Reading
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