MONDAY, Jan. 15, 2024 (HealthDay News) — Snowstorms are blanketing the United States, prompting countless Americans to pick up snow shovels and clear walkways and driveways. Shoveling snow is more than a chore, however — it can be a health hazard. The exertion of shoveling snow increases a person’s riskContinue Reading

TUESDAY, Jan. 9, 2024 (HealthDay News) — Teens who are active are doing their bones a lasting favor, Japanese researchers report. “Physical exercise in adolescence affects BMD [bone mineral density] more than 50 years later in older adults,” said lead researcher Dr. Yoshifumi Tamura, a faculty member at Juntendo UniversityContinue Reading

TUESDAY, Jan. 2, 2024 (HealthDay News) — Because athletes young and old can suffer cardiac arrest, some states have mandated the placement of automated external defibrillators (AEDs) in gyms, stadiums and other sports venues. But a new study finds the use of AEDs by bystanders for cardiac arrest at athleticContinue Reading

MONDAY, Jan. 1, 2024 (HealthDay News) — Still weighing whether to make a New Year’s resolution? Or perhaps regretting letting your healthy habits slide during the holidays? Either way, the American Medical Association (AMA) has ten recommendations to help Americans improve their health in 2024. “It is quite common afterContinue Reading

THURSDAY, Dec. 12, 2023 (HealthDay News) — Regular exercise appears to enhance and even grow crucial areas of the human brain, new research using MRI scans shows. It’s long been known that physical activity is a brain-booster, but this international study illustrates ways this could be happening. “With comprehensive imagingContinue Reading