Dads Face Guilt About Workouts, Just Like Moms Do
Both parents tend to view exercise as a selfish behavior that takes up family time, researcher saysContinue Reading
Both parents tend to view exercise as a selfish behavior that takes up family time, researcher saysContinue Reading
Validation by peers also decreased likelihood of self-harmContinue Reading
Young children may be attracted to the brightly colored chemicals, study suggestsContinue Reading
Closeness, open discussions with parents may help prevent risky sexual behavior, findings suggestContinue Reading
Having both parents present, eating in kitchen also linked to healthier weights, researchers reportContinue Reading
New study doubles the number of gene regions linked to heightContinue Reading
But authors, expert stressed that couples shouldn’t base family planning on this findingContinue Reading
Study found younger patients fared worse if they did not have family, friends to help afterwardsContinue Reading
Study found younger patients fared worse if they did not have family, friends to help afterwardsContinue Reading
Teaching parents to help their children with eating behaviors may lead to faster weight gain, researchers sayContinue Reading
Teaching parents to help their children with eating behaviors may lead to faster weight gain, researchers sayContinue Reading
Trends can last up to 10 years after a movie is released, researchers reportContinue Reading
Study links harassment at home to higher levels of depression, anxietyContinue Reading
The more physical, verbal aggression there was in the home, the more cavities parents and children hadContinue Reading
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