Falls Are Leading Cause of Childhood Injuries, Expert Says
Parents should be particularly careful about windowsContinue Reading
Parents should be particularly careful about windowsContinue Reading
But study only showed association, not cause-and-effect linkContinue Reading
But study only showed association, not cause-and-effect linkContinue Reading
After menu makeover, more nutritious items were ordered more often, study foundContinue Reading
Managing stress as important as lowering blood pressure to prevent heart attack, expert says
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Managing stress as important as lowering blood pressure to prevent heart attack, expert says
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Fewest health-related problems occurred in adolescents with two parents living in same homeContinue Reading
Finding suggests interventions aimed at these kids might make a difference, researcher saysContinue Reading
Debilitating headaches meant less participation in family activities, canceled plans each monthContinue Reading
Findings suggest need to support those at home, expert saysContinue Reading
Efforts to keep childhood weight in check need to take home environment into account, researcher saysContinue Reading
But state laws may trump those choices, possibly leading to care delaysContinue Reading
But almost half don’t have conversation with doctor about potential for future problemsContinue Reading
But almost half don’t have conversation with doctor about potential for future problemsContinue Reading
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