Diet, Meds and Smoking Linked to Eye Disease Risks
Good nutrition staved off cataracts; some drugs, smoking increased vision problems, studies foundContinue Reading
Good nutrition staved off cataracts; some drugs, smoking increased vision problems, studies foundContinue Reading
Study finds few differences compared to normal weight peers by young adulthoodContinue Reading
Thinning retina can signal onset, but routine test is a long way off, researchers sayContinue Reading
More study needed to confirm findings, researcher suggestsContinue Reading
Wearing single-lens glasses while outside reduced falls among active, ‘outdoorsy’ elders, study saysContinue Reading
But heart-healthy benefits of the cholesterol drugs outweigh these risks, experts sayContinue Reading
Here’s a list of some common causesContinue Reading
Youngsters are especially vulnerable to harmful rays, experts warnContinue Reading
Snakes spray venom in victims’ eyes by predicting movements, researchers sayContinue Reading
Findings could help advance criminal investigations, researcher saysContinue Reading
Pressure build-up within skull causes chronic pain, experts sayContinue Reading
The body reflects what’s happening in the brain, research suggestsContinue Reading
When you should seek treatmentContinue Reading
As the population ages, more programs needed to address vision loss, experts sayContinue Reading
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