TUESDAY, Aug. 22, 2023 (HealthDay News) — British researchers may have found a way to diagnose Parkinson’s disease several years sooner. Researchers at University College London and Moorfields Eye Hospital say that eye scans may be able to detect signs of Parkinson’s up to seven years before diagnosis. “I continueContinue Reading

THURSDAY, July 13, 2023 (HealthDay News) — Low doses of the eyedrops ophthalmologists use to dilate your pupils during an eye exam are not able to slow the progression of nearsightedness (myopia) in children, a new clinical trial has found. Atropine eyedrops at a concentration of 0.01% did not outperformContinue Reading

FRIDAY, May 12, 2023 (HealthDay News) — Months before U.S. health officials warned that tainted eye drops were causing vision loss and even death, a Cleveland woman lost the sight in her eye in a case that puzzled her doctors. The 72-year-old went to an outpatient eye clinic last NovemberContinue Reading

MONDAY, March 27, 2023 (HealthDay News) — Children with autism are less likely than their peers to receive important vision screening despite a high risk for serious eye disorders, researchers report. Only about 36% of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) completed vision screenings during their health checkups, a newContinue Reading