Scientists Shed Light on Possible Cause of Nearsightedness
Mouse study found when one type of cell in retina malfunctions, focusing problems followContinue Reading
Mouse study found when one type of cell in retina malfunctions, focusing problems followContinue Reading
Babies born at 22 and 24 weeks still face tough odds, but neonatal care improvements have been key, doctors sayContinue Reading
Zero-gravity conditions prevent normal pressure variations around the brain, researchers sayContinue Reading
Nearly 500 such injuries occurred in 2015, study reportsContinue Reading
Animal tests showed fewer injections needed to treat age-related macular degenerationContinue Reading
Routine eye exams the best way to prevent this major cause of vision loss, eye experts sayContinue Reading
Lingering eye problems linked to poorer academic performanceContinue Reading
Study suggests that it might slow signaling among cells that deliver visual information to the brainContinue Reading
Study suggests that it might slow signaling among cells that deliver visual information to the brainContinue Reading
But post-op problems typically clear up over time, specialist saysContinue Reading
More exposure to sun’s UVB rays linked to lower risk of eye condition in studyContinue Reading
More exposure to sun’s UVB rays linked to lower risk of eye condition in studyContinue Reading
Brazilian baby developed vision-threatening condition after being exposed to virus in wombContinue Reading
Problem linked to changes in amount of fluid around the brain and spinal cord, researchers sayContinue Reading
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