MONDAY, Jan. 25, 2021 (HealthDay News) — Electronic ‘early warning systems’ for kidney damage in hospital patients don’t improve outcomes, researchers say. These systems are meant to alert for acute kidney injury (AKI). AKI, a sudden decrease in the kidney’s filtration function, occurs in 15% of hospital patients and increasesContinue Reading

WEDNESDAY, Jan. 20, 2021 (HealthDay News) — When intensive care units are swamped with COVID-19 patients, death rates may climb, a new study finds. Looking at data from 88 U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) hospitals, researchers found a pattern: COVID-19 patients were nearly twice as likely to die duringContinue Reading

WEDNESDAY, Jan. 13, 2021 (HealthDay News) — It’s a woman’s worst nightmare: You’re having a C-section under anesthesia, but you suddenly become aware of what is happening during your surgery. Now, a new study shows that phenomenon, known as “accidental awareness,” is more common than believed. In fact, it mayContinue Reading

TUESDAY, Jan. 12, 2021 (HealthDay News) — In a finding that highlights another health consequence of the coronavirus pandemic, researchers report that the risk of dying from heart disease increased during the coronavirus lockdowns last spring, likely because people were too scared to go to the hospital. But the dangersContinue Reading

WEDNESDAY, Jan. 6, 2021 (HealthDay News) — The American Red Cross is urging COVID-19 survivors to donate blood plasma for hospital patients who need it to recover. As an incentive to help boost the national convalescent plasma shortage, the Red Cross has teamed up with the National Football League andContinue Reading

WEDNESDAY, Jan. 6, 2021 (HealthDay News) — A record-breaking 131,000 coronavirus hospitalizations were recorded in the United States on Tuesday. In hard-hit Los Angeles County, hospitals began running out of oxygen and paramedics were told not to bring patients to a hospital if they showed little hope of survival. “We’reContinue Reading

TUESDAY, Oct. 13, 2020 (HealthDay News) — Black and Asian COVID-19 patients are more likely than white patients to have severe illness, a new British study finds. Researchers analyzed data from more than 1,800 adult COVID-19 patients admitted to King’s College Hospital in London between March 1 and June 2.Continue Reading

TUESDAY, Oct. 6, 2020 (HealthDay News) — Hospitalized COVID-19 patients face an increased risk of developing dangerous blood clots, a new review indicates. The odds of a clot are highest for the most critically ill patients. Analysis of 66 studies found that 23% of COVID-19 patients in an intensive careContinue Reading

FRIDAY, Sept. 11, 2020 (HealthDay News) — COVID-19 can damage the kidneys and increase patients’ risk of needing kidney dialysis, researchers report. The study authors also warned that doctors should prepare for a significant rise in chronic kidney disease cases due to the pandemic. For the study, the investigators analyzedContinue Reading

FRIDAY, Sept. 4, 2020 (HealthDay News) — People with lupus aren’t at increased risk of hospitalization from COVID-19 due to steroidal medications they take to reduce immune system activity, a new study finds. And a related study found that people with inflammatory forms of arthritis — such as rheumatoid arthritisContinue Reading

MONDAY, Aug. 10, 2020 (HealthDay News) — A simple blood test may predict which COVID-19 patients are likely to get worse and die, a new study suggests. “When we first started treating COVID-19 patients, we watched them get better or get worse, but we didn’t know why,” said researcher Dr.Continue Reading