New U.S. Health Initiative Highlights Disease Prevention
Multi-agency effort will focus on encouraging exercise, healthy eatingContinue Reading
Multi-agency effort will focus on encouraging exercise, healthy eatingContinue Reading
Low-fat, low-glycemic eating plan improved ‘biomarkers’ of the disease, researchers sayContinue Reading
Findings hint at possible targets for weight-loss strategies down the lineContinue Reading
Study found they believed labels suggesting product was ‘healthy,’ even if it was notContinue Reading
Study found those who most closely followed eating plan showed least gains in body mass indexContinue Reading
Though not conclusive, study found lower levels of gene activity connected to dementia after gastric bypassContinue Reading
Short-term studies found no harm to vascular healthContinue Reading
Long-term study will follow ‘calorie restrictors’ to see effectsContinue Reading
Study identifies dietary change, not weight loss, as the key factorContinue Reading
People who significantly reduce their caloric intake may prolong their lives, study findsContinue Reading
Cholesterol levels improved even better in young patients than adults, study foundContinue Reading
But, European researchers acknowledge younger, white volunteers may have skewed resultsContinue Reading
Even normal weight people with a ‘beer belly’ or ‘muffin top’ at risk, Mayo researchers sayContinue Reading
Better diet, exercise and keeping slim fend off heart disease, cancer, research showsContinue Reading
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