WEDNESDAY, Jan. 2, 2019 (HealthDay News) — If you think a switch from sugar to a calorie-free sweetener might help you get healthier and shed pounds, think again. After years of research, there’s still only very weak evidence that no-cal sweeteners might be beneficial, according to German researchers who lookedContinue Reading

FRIDAY, Dec. 7, 2018 (HealthDay News) — There’s more evidence that when a survivor of early stage breast cancer takes up healthy eating and regular exercise, the odds of the disease returning go down. The key is sticking with such programs, said study lead author Dr. Wolfgang Janni. Healthier lifestylesContinue Reading

WEDNESDAY, Dec. 5, 2018 (HealthDay News) — Whether you track your diet efforts on paper or with an app, frequent and consistent self-monitoring contributes to success. However, one aspect of recordkeeping — how often to get on the scale — has been the subject of much debate. Daily weigh-ins usedContinue Reading