Tracking Blood Sugar in Pregnancy Might Lower Heart Defect Risk for Baby
Study strengthens tie between gestational diabetes and these congenital anomaliesContinue Reading
Study strengthens tie between gestational diabetes and these congenital anomaliesContinue Reading
Study found bigger threat for those with more than pack-a-day habitContinue Reading
Researchers chalk it up to better meds, prevention effortsContinue Reading
Supplements should only be given to pregnant women with low iron levels, diabetes expert suggests
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Diet sodas do not appear to pose the same danger, researcher saysContinue Reading
These annual check-ups could help prevent 95 percent of vision lossContinue Reading
Researchers don’t know if beverages keep you awake or lack of sleep prompts cravingsContinue Reading
They split 50-50, survey shows, on advice aimed at preventing full-blown diabetesContinue Reading
Study suggests alcohol might harm brain, body even if one stops abusing by age 30Continue Reading
They should do light physical activity every 30 minutes, not every 90 minutesContinue Reading
They should do light physical activity every 30 minutes, not every 90 minutesContinue Reading
Study found it lowered blood sugar levels more than other exercise, particularly if done after dinnerContinue Reading
Large analysis finds declines or stagnation in many basic health measuresContinue Reading
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