Shocks From Implanted Defibrillators Trigger Health Costs of Their Own
Even when the shock was inappropriate, many people still got invasive medical procedures afterwards, study findsContinue Reading
Even when the shock was inappropriate, many people still got invasive medical procedures afterwards, study findsContinue Reading
10 percent seeking facial procedures have condition called body dysmorphic disorder, study contendsContinue Reading
New device has improved long-term quality of life for man who had larynx removedContinue Reading
Device an improvement on current implants, researchers sayContinue Reading
Agency notes most products already below recommended levelContinue Reading
Signals sent to hand emerge as typed message on a tablet computer, researchers reportContinue Reading
Small study suggests real improvement for some patients, but more follow-up research is neededContinue Reading
More than half would prefer fragrance-free hotels, workplacesContinue Reading
They had no greater risk of complications, benefited as much as younger breast cancer patientsContinue Reading
With implants, he also felt some sensation in his own fingersContinue Reading
With implants, he also felt some sensation in his own fingersContinue Reading
These tips can ease parents’ worries and help kids with food allergies or asthma enjoy the holidayContinue Reading
But both have side effects that may affect your choice, researchers say
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Coordinating surgeries might reduce levels of distress after mastectomy for breast cancer, researchers sayContinue Reading
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