Illegal Silicone Buttock Injections Can Be Deadly: Experts
At least one woman died and others came close after illicit procedures from non-physiciansContinue Reading
At least one woman died and others came close after illicit procedures from non-physiciansContinue Reading
American Academy of Neurology has updated recommendations for treating essential tremorContinue Reading
Some doctors lack training and certification, botch operations, plastic surgeons sayContinue Reading
All women should be informed of post-mastectomy options, researchers sayContinue Reading
But because study lacked control group, expert warns conclusions may be flawedContinue Reading
Preliminary study suggests it reduces ‘crow’s feet,’ but more research is neededContinue Reading
Women who think it will make their breasts look worse unlikely to nurse successfully, study saysContinue Reading
Small study finds obese women tend to be unhappy with appearance if they get breast surgery firstContinue Reading
Agency says it will work with manufacturers to improve monitoring of women who get the devicesContinue Reading
Agency asking advisers to devise ways to gather better data on ‘real-world’ safety and performanceContinue Reading
CDC investigation shows tap water used for ink was the culpritContinue Reading
Body dysmorphic disorder, where people inordinately dislike their appearance, is rife in this group, study saysContinue Reading
Suggestions for using them safelyContinue Reading
Complications will require many women to undergo additional surgery within 10 years, agency saysContinue Reading
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