Urine Test May Help Spot Dangerous Blood Clots
More accurate, less invasive than current screening, researchers contendContinue Reading
More accurate, less invasive than current screening, researchers contendContinue Reading
Treating migraines might reduce stroke risk, researchers suggestContinue Reading
Study suggests routine sample might provide information critical to treatmentContinue Reading
Zontivity, which belongs to a novel class of drugs, reduced heart, stroke, cardiovascular death in patientsContinue Reading
Drug designed to reduce blood clotsContinue Reading
Scientists say HRT research has returned $140 for every $1 spent on the $260 million trialContinue Reading
The discovery might have implications for aging humans, study authors suggestContinue Reading
Studies looked at improvements in ER, specially equipped ambulance that could deliver clot-busting drugContinue Reading
Study found abnormal rhythms when blood sugar dipped at night in people with type 2 diseaseContinue Reading
Researchers found a nationwide rise of the disease since late 1980s, and a parallel rise in obesityContinue Reading
Study using voodoo dolls suggests irritable partners should grab a snack before speakingContinue Reading
People using warfarin or Xarelto should avoid aspirin, ibuprofen and other NSAIDs, study finds
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Study followed Chinese people with high blood sugar for more than two decades
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Unusual clotting disorder developed in several people taking Rebif
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